It’s AAll AAbout Me!

June 23, 2024

This is one of those puzzles that came out of nowhere; I haven’t really been in a puzzle making mood for a while but I sat down late last week with an idea about making a midi and before I knew it, this puzzle appeared. And, if I am being completely honest, the full idea of the theme only became obvious to me after the grid had been mostly constructed. It sometimes works that way I guess — the puzzle ended up being a gift to me from me and in many ways it was a present from my subconscious to my conscious self. It’s strange but I’m thankful for the puzzle grid as it gave me a chance to be incredibly indulgent in the cluing. Even apart from the themers, I really went to town on this one.

Hopefully you will enjoy solving it as much as I enjoyed making it. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I reused the exact same grid pattern as one of other my recent puzzles (Pals). I would normally pay attention to varying things more but as discussed above, I was kind of on autopilot when I created this one.

download  download (.puz) print  print puzzle (.pdf) key  print solution (.pdf) redirect  play full-sized app
or play using the in-line applet below:


Previously: Not For GenX Only (May 2024)   |   Next: Sensational