A Very Veggie Thanksgiving

November 23, 2024

For the last two years, couples crossword puzzle solving has been a Thanksgiving tradition at our house — we’re not much for watching football on TV and it’s a much more fun way to get everyone engaged while we wait for dinner. Last year, I created my first Thanksgiving puzzle and about a month ago came upon the theme for this year’s while grocery shopping.

Both of my daughters have been vegetarians for most of their lives, so we’ve been doing the partial veggie Thanksgiving for a while. In truth, none of us are big turkey eaters so we haven’t had a bird at our Thanksgiving table in many years. We actually have brisket rather than some of the foods mentioned in the puzzle, but why spoil a good theme with the facts on the ground?

Also, this midi keeps with the heuristic mentioned in my last puzzle that it’s perfectly allowable to keep adding blocks until the theme works. The themers here are not the most flexible and so I did what I had to to make things work.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

download  download (.puz) print  print puzzle (.pdf) key  print solution (.pdf) redirect  play full-sized app
or play using the in-line applet below:
