A Mid-Autumn Tea Break

November 04, 2024

The fun part about midis — to me, anyway — is getting to play with wackier formats. In a 15x15, I try to hew closer to conventional word and block counts and if a theme isn’t working then I tend to throw it out and start again. In a midi if something isn’t working, I’m not against just adding blocks until it does. What sometimes results is a grid that looks like today’s offering, block and word counts be damned.

I’m calling this a theme although it probably borders more on a freestyle, whatever that means. I was drinking a cup of tea, it was early November and I wanted to do another semi-topical puzzle — live in the moment, right? I’ll let you suss out the rest.

download  download (.puz) print  print puzzle (.pdf) key  print solution (.pdf) redirect  play full-sized app
or play using the in-line applet below:
