A Thanksgiving Midi

November 20, 2023

I had tried to make the theme for this puzzle work as a 15x for awhile before realizing it really wanted to be something smaller, finally settling on 10x15. When I landed on those weird dimensions, I missed the fact that it is really just 2/3’s of a full-sized puzzle — not that that means anything in particular.

Last year on Thanksgiving day while waiting for dinner, a few in my family who are not regular solvers starting doing some of my puzzles, with many of the couples going tandem on attempting the more difficult ones. As a result, I decided to clue this holiday themed puzzle on the easy side in hopes that everyone will be able to enjoy (and solve) it this year on their own. And, it is much more fun than sitting on your butt while other people play games (i.e., football).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

download  download (.puz) print  print puzzle (.pdf) key  print solution (.pdf) redirect  play full-sized app
or play using the in-line applet below:


Previously: Themeless Midi (November 2023)   |   Next: Bad Sports