Themeless #6

September 11, 2022

This 70 word puzzle is a recent favorite among my themeless puzzles — I was happy with the four longer seeds. Although (as has become a habit) this was rejected by a major publisher, I did get positive feedback on the long words. So there’s that.

I’m not completely sure why my puzzles aren’t quite there yet although I have a feeling I need to focus more on the rest of the fill. I think I’m relatively successful at getting rid of the worst of crosswordese and work each section pretty heavily to get rid of the bad stuff. I think my issue is that there’s still not enough of the good stuff. I will continue to work on that and clue writing can always be improved.

As always, the major newspapers’ loss is your gain. Enjoy!

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Previously: Themeless #5   |   Next: Tom Petty Mini