Themeless (April 2023)

April 15, 2023

This is my first 15x puzzle of 2023 — I’ve been more focused on minis and other crossword projects of late. But it is good to be back in the saddle, so to speak. The puzzle is a themeless although I found myself gravitating to two types of entries, some animal related and others more in the language phraseology.

With this puzzle, I have decided to move away from numbering my themeless grids and towards dating them. I have found that the puzzles out of context of this site tend to feel weird with numbers on them and it is highly unlikely I will make more than one themeless per month. So Themeless (April 2023) it is!

I also have been having fun trying to push my cluing, especially in puzzles like this which aren’t meant to land anywhere except on my own site. I’m particularly proud of 7-Down and 39-Down. I am also trying to broaden my cultural references to multiple generations — see 9-Down and 28-Down.

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Previously: Three Minis - C   |   Next: DEF AlphaMinis