Stop Bugging Me
It’s been raining a lot in our part of town (as with much of Northern California) and after the soil gets sufficiently waterlogged, a certain insect tends to seek out the driest place it can find. Unfortunately for us, the driest place in our little area happens to be the place we also call home. In other words, we’ve been suffering from a non-stop [REDACTED] invasion over the last few weeks. I’ve mentioned it to a few friends and neighbors and from their reports, we’re not the only one so afflicted.
We have an exterminator who normally visits us every other month to keep things under control, over the last two months she’s made a few extra visits and the nasty invaders seem to have been beaten back… for now. There’s another storm on the horizon so we’ll see how much more rain it takes before they’re back in our kitchen once again. We know this isn’t a battle you win, it’s just one you stay on top of as much as you can.
But hey, what a good topic for a puzzle, amirite?
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